All your subscriptions in one place

Subly helps you take control over your subscriptions.

Keep track of all your subscriptions

Subly brings all your subscriptions together in a single place so you never lose track of what you're paying for.

Get insights of your costs

Get reports of your subscriptions to see were you are spending the most and how to improve.

Never pay for an unwanted subscription again

Subly will remind you of upcoming payments before they hit your card so you're never caught off guard.

Smart Recommendations

Subly provides alternatives to the services you're using, so you can determine if you're using the right solution or if there are better options.

Lifetime access to Subly

Track 100 Subscriptions

Unlimited Projects

Payment Alerts

Multi-currency Subscriptions

Smart Suggestions

Full-Access to New Features


  • The ultimate solution to organizing your subscriptions and recurring payments
  • Get reports of your subscriptions to see were you are spending the most and how to improve
  • Manage subscriptions for multiple projects or teams in a single place
  • Built-in alerts system means no more over-paying


Managing subscriptions across multiple projects


Only 100 Subscriptions


The no-brainer lifetime deals from the digital world


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© 2024 LTDHUB

Made with using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran


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