Advanced Rank Tracker to Discover Your Rankings with 99.5% Accuracy

Monitor the Exact Rankings of Your Keywords and Know the Efficiency of Your Website Over time.


Figure Out Your Overall Progress

Evaluate your overall progress with your tracked keyword rankings and fresh keyword metrics.

Quickly analyze the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

SERPPLE Score measures your site’s performance for your targeted keywords sharp as a needle.


Compare and Beat Your Competitors

Know your competitors’ ranking for the same keyword.

Compare it with yours and gain a perception of your competitor’s progress too.


Monitor and Tail Your Keywords

Get the needed SEO metrics for your keywords.

Sort your entire keyword metrics and view them either in a list or grid format.

Explore the SERP features of your potential keywords and their ranking progress with ease.


An Interactive Dashboard

Identify the top-ranking keywords of your projects and quickly observe your ranking fluctuations for all your keywords.

Form an effective SEO strategy based on the serpple score, trending keywords, and declined keywords widget.


Accurate keyword ranking data

Search volume history for 6 months

Typo error finder in keywords

Keyword positions history since start

Keyword cannibalization issue finder

Able to track multiple websites as projects

Automated Scheduled reports

Instant keyword position finder

Email notification for various action on SERP

Tag Management

Scheduled Reports

Desktop/Mobile Tracking

Keyword Overview & Notes

Custom Notifications

12 Months Search Volume History

250 Keywords

5 Projects

2,500 Monthly Instant Refresh

  • Track your keywords with 99.5% accuracy.
  • Be the first to find out your position and changes in Googles' SERP.
  • Stay acknowledged everyday about your keyword progress.
  • Best for Bloggers, Marketers, Marketing agencies
  • Alternative to SE Ranking, Accuranker, SERPWatch and other regular rank trackers.

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© 2024 LTDHUB

Made with using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran


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