Lifetime access to LoudDoc
8 active LoudDocs
250 MB upload capacity per LoudDoc
200 pages per LoudDoc
Update anytime
Presentation themes
Edit existing LoudDocs
Your domain and branding
1-minute narration per page
Real-time activity notices
Unlimited collections
Real-time feedback button
Lifetime access to LoudDoc
200 active LoudDocs
500 MB upload capacity per LoudDoc
350 pages per LoudDoc
Share narration across team
Multiple custom domains
Secure LoudDocs for intranets
Per page analytics
Unlimited team accounts
Update anytime
Presentation themes
Edit existing LoudDocs
Your domain and branding
1-minute narration per page
Real-time activity notices
Unlimited collections
Real-time feedback button
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Made with ❤ using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran