All the documents you need at your fingertips

Discover thousands of legal, business & personal templates created by legal professionals, with step-by-step guide to customize documents & DIY contracts to your need

Lifetime access to DocPro

Lifetime access to DocPro with an Unlimited number of Documents

Extensive online template database with 2000+ legal, business, professional, and personal documents

Quality, reliable documents reviewed by lawyers and legal team with 20+ years of experience

Easily customizable documents to tailor forms to your specific business needs

Many sizes fit all - different forms of legal contracts and business documents to choose from

Select the right governing law and dispute resolution clause with proprietary jurisdiction engine

Request new documents from the DocPro team and save on legal costs

Available in Word or PDF format for you to download and make further changes


  • Save time and money with 2,500+ legal, business, and professional documents
  • Tailor documents and forms to your specific business relationship or contract
  • Request new documents from the DocPro team and save on legal costs
  • Best for: startups and businesses who need trusted business and legal documents. Trusted by over 30,000 members

The no-brainer lifetime deals from the digital world


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Made with using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!