Viima Lifetime Deal: Turn more ideas into action

If you're looking for information on the Viima Lifetime Deal and Review, you've come to the right place. The Viima Lifetime Deal was launched on AppSumo with a significant discount, and in this post, we'll share all the details of the deal. We'll cover what the lifetime deal entails, what features are included, and whether or not we think it's worth taking advantage of. By the end of this post, you'll have everything you need to know about the Viima Lifetime Deal so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it's right for you.

Make More Innovation Happen.

Viima is the best way to turn ideas into innovations, and it's free to get started with.

Innovation isn't easy.

But using Viima is. Viima is the all-in-one innovation platform that helps you go from ideas to innovations, every step of the way. We've made the journey effortless so that you can focus on making more innovation happen.


Viima lets you gather ideas from your employees, customers, and other stakeholders.


Viima makes it easy to refine and develop ideas together with your team.


Viima provides you with tools for prioritizing ideas and picking the right ones to progress.


Viima helps you analyze your innovation process to find and eliminate bottlenecks.


Tier 1



10 users

3 boards

CheckVisual ranking ideas

CheckFilter ideas with categories and hashtags

CheckAdding, liking, and commenting on ideas

CheckShare ideas, assign responsibilities, and tag people for ideas

CheckMove and copy ideas between boards

CheckAttach videos, photos, and files

CheckCustomizable email notifications

CheckKnowledge base

CheckSingle Sign-On (SSO)

CheckCustomizable access control and permissions

CheckMobile app (iOS and Android) and web app

CheckBasic analytics, reporting, and idea evaluation

CheckBusiness impact analytics

CheckCustomize parameter, appearance, background images for boards, and ideas

CheckIntegrations to third-party systems (JIRA, Teams, Yammer)

CheckPre-moderation and IPR protection


CheckIntranet and CMS Integrations

Tier 2



150 users

Unlimited boards

The innovation system

CheckVisual ranking ideas

CheckFilter ideas with categories and hashtags

CheckAdding, liking, and commenting on ideas

CheckShare ideas, assign responsibilities, and tag people for ideas

CheckMove and copy ideas between boards

CheckAttach videos, photos, and files

CheckCustomizable email notifications

CheckKnowledge base

CheckSingle Sign-On (SSO)

CheckCustomizable access control and permissions

CheckMobile app (iOS and Android) and web app

CheckBasic analytics, reporting, and idea evaluation

CheckBusiness impact analytics

CheckCustomize parameter, appearance, background images for boards, and ideas

CheckIntegrations to third-party systems (JIRA, Teams, Yammer)

CheckPre-moderation and IPR protection


CheckIntranet and CMS Integrations


  • Use boards to transparently collect, organize, and prioritize ideas from your employees, customers, or other stakeholders
  • Create an innovation process that works for your unique needs, and analyze your flow to eliminate bottlenecks
  • Best for Marketing agencies, SaaS, Small businesses
  • Alternative to Asana, Miro, Mural


Viima allows users to vote on ideas, add comments and also has fields for evaluation (business feasibility, customer desirability, assumption, tech feasibility etc) makes this a great alternative to most of the tools out there.


The UI could be bit more zesty

Ability to make connections between inter-connected ideas


The no-brainer lifetime deals from the digital world


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