Cool Tabs Lifetime Deal: Get leads with interactive content

If you're looking for information on the Cool Tabs Lifetime Deal and Review, you've come to the right place. The Cool Tabs Lifetime Deal was launched on AppSumo with a significant discount, and in this post, we'll share all the details of the deal. We'll cover what the lifetime deal entails, what features are included, and whether or not we think it's worth taking advantage of. By the end of this post, you'll have everything you need to know about the Cool Tabs Lifetime Deal so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it's right for you.

Boost your marketing campaigns and generate leads with interactive content

Grow your digital audience and generate quality leads with simple, interactive content on your app, website and social media profiles.

Cool Tabs is quick and easy to use

Customize your campaign

Use one of our pre-formatted templates to create a quick and totally successful campaign. Or, create a custom campaign with the help of our team.

Your campaign — wherever you want it

Integrate your campaign or contest with our content widget on your website, blog, app or Facebook page... Generate qualified leads on any channel.

Optimize your activity

Use our advanced statistics and conversion panel to analyze data in real time. Create user profiles based on feedback. Detect strengths and weaknesses and use them to make adjustments — it's easy.
Tier 1



2 sweepstakes or campaigns per month

CheckPhoto contests

CheckQuestion contests for Facebook

CheckBasic customization


CheckAudience analysis and social listening

Tier 2



Unlimited sweepstakes or campaigns per month

CheckPhoto contests

CheckQuestion contests for Facebook

CheckBasic customization


CheckAudience analysis and social listening

Tier 3



Unlimited sweepstakes or campaigns per month

All content types

Without "Cool Tabs" watermark

CheckPhoto contests

CheckQuestion contests for Facebook

CheckBasic customization


CheckAudience analysis and social listening


  • Monitor campaign data and analytics about your brand or competitors to generate high-converting campaigns
  • Launch interactive sweepstakes, questionnaires, contests, and gamified campaigns code-free
  • Best for Marketers, Marketing agencies, Social media managers
  • Alternative to Easypromos,, Qualifio






The no-brainer lifetime deals from the digital world


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© 2024 LTDHUB

Made with using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran


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