Shoppable Product Tags

Increase revenue with product tagging, now for your website.

Link Efficiently

Multiple links per image
Save time with bulk tagging
Optimize for limited screen space

Increase Revenue

Bridge content to products
Grow product awareness with tag impressions
Leverage contextual cross-selling

Enhance Analytics

Automate content engagement tracking
Customize based on your goals
Build a foundation of tailored analytics for optimization


Tier 1



1 accounts (domains)

200,000 monthly sessions (visits per month)

Unlimited users

Unlimited tags/affiliate links

Unlimited images

CheckWatermark-free shoppable product tags (remove "made with Scopa" watermark)

CheckAccess to product feed integrations for uploads: Shopify, WooCommerce, WordPress, BigCommerce, Wix, and more

CheckTheme customization

CheckAutomatic and customizable analytics tracking

CheckAccess to product feed upload features and integrations

CheckAutomatic onsite publishing

CheckUser management controls

CheckShoppable product tagging for websites

CheckSingle or multiple links per image

CheckEnhanced analytics, automatic content engagement tracking, customized analytics for optimization

CheckScale affiliate revenue: increase affiliate clicks, conversions, and revenue

CheckIncrease product page traffic, contextual cross-selling, and average order value

CheckCreate shoppable tags for clients’ CRO, SEO, and content marketing strategies

Tier 2



5 accounts (domains)

Unlimited monthly sessions (visits per month)

Unlimited users

Unlimited tags/affiliate links

Unlimited images

CheckWatermark-free shoppable product tags (remove "made with Scopa" watermark)

CheckAccess to product feed integrations for uploads: Shopify, WooCommerce, WordPress, BigCommerce, Wix, and more

CheckTheme customization

CheckAutomatic and customizable analytics tracking

CheckAccess to product feed upload features and integrations

CheckAutomatic onsite publishing

CheckUser management controls

CheckShoppable product tagging for websites

CheckSingle or multiple links per image

CheckEnhanced analytics, automatic content engagement tracking, customized analytics for optimization

CheckScale affiliate revenue: increase affiliate clicks, conversions, and revenue

CheckIncrease product page traffic, contextual cross-selling, and average order value

CheckCreate shoppable tags for clients’ CRO, SEO, and content marketing strategies

  • Create clickable tags for multiple products on website images to drive visitors to more product pages
  • Automatically track impressions, hovers, and clicks for every tag on your website
  • Best for Bloggers, Ecommerce, Marketing agencies
  • Alternative to Thinglink






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Made with using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran


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