Clean Data 10x faster using AI

Spend less time cleaning data by letting Bitrookā€™s AI engine help you clean your data and generate Python code so you can focus on analysis and modeling.

Lifetime access to BitRook

Code generation makes you 10x faster than coding by hand

Profile your data and find issues in seconds

AI-Driven detection of data types

Automatic Cleaning Recommendations

Visualize your data fast, even if its large


  • Spend less time cleaning data by letting Bitrookā€™s AI engine help you clean your data and generate Python code so you can focus on analysis and modeling.
  • Let AI profile your data, find any issues, recommend ways to clean your data without a line of code, and get to your next task fast.
  • Don't spend time coding, googling commands, reading documentation - instead let BitRook clean for you and generate the code for you.


All great deals must come to an end. Thereā€™s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!